Tuesday, April 9, 2013

does cucumber help lose weight

Is it really possible to lose weight by simply eating cucumbers? These common green vegetables are in fact a useful supplement to your weight reduction régime.
The cucumber is one of the most common salad vegetables. You can usually get them all year round. However they are best in May through July. The best ones to eat are organically grown ones because then you can eat the nutritious skin as well as the cucumber itself. If you can only find commercially grown ones be careful to peel off the waxed skin, as this contains pesticides, chemicals and wax.
How cucumbers will help you lose weight:
• Low calories: They are low in calories and have high water content. This means that they will fill you up without adding calories. They are in fact a great way to help you lose weight.
• Diuretic: they will help you to lose water due to water retention. This is a common problem with obesity.
• Increase fluids: It is essential to drink as much water as possible when you try to lose weight. This will help you to feel fuller and encourage you to eat less. Water will help you to flush toxins from your body. Plus your body needs at least 8 glasses of water to function well. Cucumbers have a large ratio of water which will increase your fluid intake.
• Fiber: cucumbers like most vegetables will provide you with fiber. When losing weight you should try to have a high fiber diet. Fiber will fill you up and encourage you to eat less. It will also aid in making your digestion better. When you digest your food better you will be able to lose weight.
Nutritional facts: an 8 ¼ inch cucumber has 2 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbohydrate, 1 ½ grams fiber, 5 grams of sugar, vitamins K,C, B6 and A. It also has foliate and potassium. A cucumber of this size will only contain 45 calories and because of the water and fiber in it will help to fill you up.
Choosing cucumbers: there are a number of different types of cucumbers and they will taste subtly different. The best way to get varieties that you like is to grow them either in containers or out in your yard. They will have a distinctive taste quite different from the somewhat insipid store cumbers.
• Lemon cucumbers: these are round yellowish green cucumbers with a nice mild flavor.
• Japanese cucumbers: these are a long thin variety that has a mild flavor and is good for eating in salads or as a salad on its own. They are usually found wrapped in cellophane wrap at the stores.
• American cucumbers: there are many varieties of these. They range from small pickling size to larger ones that are ideal for salads. Hybrids have made the cucumber a mild flavored vegetable which has lost much of the bitterness of the old varieties.
Tips for eating: 
• Always choose fresh cucumbers that are not wrinkled or sunken. The older they get the more bitter you will find them. 
• Cut the end off your cucumbers and rub a little salt into them by rubbing the ends together. Doing this will takeaway some of the bitterness. 
• You can slice cucumbers and put them with a little vinegar, salt and pepper. 
• You can also pickle them. There are a variety of recipes you can use.
Visit Cathy Q blog for more tips and articles on losing weight http://infoblognow.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5619288

Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

These homemade detox drinks for weight loss are a natural way to melt the fat fast. Detoxification removes toxins and helps you reach your weight loss goals in a relatively short period of time. So naturally it's a good idea to detox your body on a regular basis.
It's important to note, if you plan on drinking only detoxification drinks for more than a few days, make sure your current health status allows you to change from your normal diet to a detox diet. Before doing any kind of long-term or drastic detox you should consult with a doctor.
With that said, here are 7 homemade detox drinks to help you lose weight:
  1. Tea: Tea is a natural detox drink that expels toxins from your system. Dandelion tea, green tea, peppermint tea, and ginger tea are especially effective in supporting weight loss. Drink 3-5 cups of tea daily to support your weight loss efforts.
  2. Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice enhances the body's metabolism, which is essential to converting fats into energy instead of excess weight. Along with eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drinking cranberry juice is a very effective way to lose weight. Plus, this detox drink also helps clear nicotine and alcohol from your system in just about four days. Drink at least 32 ounces of 100% natural organic cranberry juice every day.
  3. Cabbage Juice: Cabbage is very effective for detoxifying your liver. And because your liver is responsible for the detoxification of your body, it is an essential part of your detox and weight loss plan. If you have a juicer, juice up some cabbage, carrots and pears for a deliciously refreshing detox drink.
  4. Cabbage Broth: For a satisfying hot drink, simmer a head of cabbage along with carrots, onions and a pinch of salt, then strain and drink. You can also add other vegetables to pack more nutrients into this hot detox drink, which is very effective for detoxifying your liver.
  5. Cucumber and Lemon: This might seem like a surprising combination, but the effects of these two ingredients was tested by professional nutritionists and found to be a very effective detox and weight loss drink. All you have to do is use a blender to mix 1 cucumber sliced into tiny pieces and the juice half a lemon. Drink at least 2 times per day. This detox drink boosts your metabolism, which is essential for losing weight quickly, and you'll notice how it loads you with energy.
  6. Master Cleanse Lemonade: This is probably the most popular detox drink for weight loss in the industry. It was made famous by celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Beyoncé Knowles because it is an extremely effective detox drink for weight loss and for improving your skin complexion. This is a perfect homemade detox drink to lose weight fast. Mix lemon juice, organic maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper into a 10 oz. glass of water. Sip on this drink all day for best results.
  7. Salt Water Cleanse: At the start of your detox, you might want to do a salt water detox to cleanse your digestive system and prepare your body for weight loss. Do this on a day when you have plenty of time to stay home near the bathroom as it will run through your body very quickly. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of natural sea salt into one quart of lukewarm water. Do not use table salt; it will not have the same effect. Stir or shake until the salt is dissolved. Drink and then relax. Most people report a bowel movement within 30 minutes to two hours and several more may follow. Once you have cleansed your system, restore it by eating yogurt to replenish the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, drink juice, and eat fresh, soft-cooked and steamed fruits and vegetables.
In addition to these detox drinks, make sure to eat lots of veggies, fruits and whole grain foods that fill you up and give you the best chance for quickly losing weight.
My name is Beth Winter and I am on a mission to help people just like you get healthy and find relief. When my daughter was diagnosed with fatty liver, we were scared. After hundreds of hours of research, we know what works!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7587065